The logo for the 2018 World Cup was revealed in a ceremony that was held a few days ago in Moscow with the president of FIFA, Sepp Blatter being joined by the former Italian defender Fabio Cannavaro along with the chairman of the local organizing committee Vitaly Mutko as they unveiled the emblem or logo that will be used for the upcoming worldwide tournament.
The emblem in itself was actually revealed by 3 astronauts in the International Space Station as they held up a copy of the logo to the camera as a projection which was being beamed to the Bolshoi theatre in Moscow, it was a new and different way to display the logo of the World Cup which is changed in every 4 years.
“The launch of the Emblem is a wonderful event to kick things off and I’m certain that the World Cup will be a success here in four years,” Blatter said during the unveiling.
There have been a series of problems going on in eastern Ukraine with one of the latest incidents that occurred being the shot down of a Malaysia Airlines Airliner with over 250 passengers dying.
Even with that incident that happened not too long ago, the authorities of FIFA have confirmed that the 2018 World Cup will still be held in Russia. There were calls and protest for the upcoming tournament to be moved to a different location but despite all of these ongoing issues that has been going on with Ukraine, the governing body of the sport FIFA insisted in saying that it will continue on as initially planned.
“The FIFA World Cup unites teams and nations from all over the world, from the qualifiers to the final competition in a spirit of fair play and respect.
“FIFA is convinced that, through football, particularly the FIFA World Cup and its international spotlight, we can achieve positive change in the world, but football cannot be seen as a solution for all issues, particularly those related to world politics. We have seen that the FIFA World Cup can be a force for good and FIFA believes this will be the case for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia.” Those were statements released by FIFA as they responded to questions and doubts concerning the viability of holding the 2018 World Cup in Russia.